1. What is the basis of pain relief with Jointex EMS?
Ans: Jointex EMS mimics the results of meridian theory of acupuncture and acupressure combined
without any excess pressure or puncturing needles. The electrical impulses penetrate deep in body and
stimulate blood flow and muscle tissues for better functioning and strength. The contraction of
muscles achieved via Jointex EMS involves maximum muscle fibers as opposed to voluntary muscle
contraction on brain’s direction, which results in only about 50% fiber involvement.
2. Is it painful?
Ans: No, it is not. It is just like getting a massage from a vibrating device. In fact, the pulses reduce
the fatigue and give a soothing feel.
3. Is there any kind of side affect associated?
Ans: Jointex EMS is a very safe device to use. Barring the precautions mentioned on the booklet
provided, almost anyone can use the device. There are no known side effects except avoiding its use
on reproductive organs, uterus during pregnancy, carotid sinuses (left and right side of throat), and
heart as this could result in pain or uneven heartbeat.
4. Can Jointex be used while performing some other activity?
Ans: Yes, it can be, as far as it is not interfering with the activity neither the activity is interfering with
proper positioning of Jointex EMS patch.
5. Does the product comes with instructions on how and where to use?
Ans: Jointex EMS is supplied with full description of usage, precautions, and other necessary detail
6. Does it put out electrical shocks?
Ans: Jointex EMS uses a small 3 V button cell for creating impulses. So calling the output a shock is
exaggeration, it is mostly symmetrical vibration.
7. Can athletes use it?
Ans: Athletes can actually use it to train their muscles for strength and endurance other than pain
relief. As it locally contracts the muscles, there is little to no overall body fatigue.
8. How many machine, battery, and pads one get in a single order?
Ans: One unit of Jointex EMS comes with 2 devices, 4 pads, and 2 CR2032 button batteries. The pads
are designed for multiple use. If used properly, keeping away from dirt and putting protective layer
back every time after use, pads can be used repeatedly for many times.
9. Can Jointex be used while performing some other activity?
Ans: Yes, it can be, as far as it is not interfering with the activity neither the activity is interfering with
proper positioning of Jointex EMS patch.
10. Does the product comes with instructions on how and where to use?
Ans: Jointex EMS is supplied with full description of usage, precautions, and other necessary detail
More Information about Jointex EMS :-
Jointex EMS official Website :- http://jointexindia.com
Contact no :-09229135024, 09229135025
Jointex EMS official Website :- http://jointexindia.com
Contact no :-09229135024, 09229135025
Email :- info@jointexindia.com
These electrode pads provide adequate charge delivery not just with efficacy but also with safety, preventing the incidence of burns, shock and other injuries. The right amount of charge delivery makes the therapy more effective and achieves the results in lesser time and brings relief to the user almost instantly.